Jul 25, 2019
In this edition of the Wicked Pissah Podcast, we start with a conversation from chapter leaders discussing some of the often overlooked benefits of being a member of FPA MA. As much as we have been showcasing the continuing education benefits of our programs, this discussion shares other great features that can help members.
Longbridge Financial's Jerry Auippa discusses some of the features and benefits of reverse mortgages for clients and advisors. He shares how he and his team work with both advisors and clients. It's a great overview of the features and benefits of the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) loans.
We wrap up with two conversations with members of a panel on aging - Richard Wallner, CFP & Joan Harris, Aging Life Care Professional. Both share interesting insights for advisors as to considerations and resources when dealing with aging clients who may have changing needs.