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Wicked Pissah Podcast

May 31, 2020

Always informative, Kurt Czarnowski, formerly Regional Communications Director for the Social Security Administration (SSA) in New England, now principal of Czarnowski Consulting, shares insights useful to all on decisions about Social Security. Hear his suggestions for those recently laid off but eligible for benefits.

May 23, 2020

As we celebrate Memorial Day weekend, join host Chris Boyd as he speaks with Dick Powers, CFP®, retired Army Colonel, to hear about his lifetime of service, both to our nation and our profession.  After his military career, Dick helped create the chapter’s military pro bono program, served on the chapter board,...

May 17, 2020

Ben Lewis & Buffy Fletcher of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) join host Chris Boyd to share some of the great underutilized resources for FPA member practitioners ... from the Coaches Corner, massive Member Discounts on Insurance other services, & FPA MediaSource to Affinity Partnerships, the summer Externship...

May 8, 2020

Recently, the CARES Act made provisions to help borrowers of student loans … but not all student loans qualify for these benefits.  Atty. Adam Minsky joins us to explain. Lear more about student loans and what to do when borrowers can’t pay.

Also, Dave McPherson, Programming Director, tells about the upcoming...

May 2, 2020

Join us for the recent panel discussion on how advisors have been handling recent events  and challenges - isolation policies, market volatility, client contact, marketing and more.  Following the panel, outstanding advisor resources available from BMO Global Asset Management shared by Josh Gilbert.  Panel members:...